
QUBITECH’s partners, Dr. Alexis Askitopoulos and Dr. Simos Tsintzos, participate at the kick-off meeting, hosted by the University of Cyprus at its campus in Nicosia

Cyprus at its campus in Nicosia (February 21, 2023), of the HoloCIM action funded under the CO-DEVELOP programme–that is part of the Research and Innovation Foundation‘s RESTART Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Cyprus. The 24-month HoloCIM project, spanning the period February 2023 –January 2025, proposes a holography based photonic Ising Machine that utilizes and enhances newly established holographic and nonlinear photonics principles for the efficient solution of combinatorial optimization problems(COPs). The latter cannot be efficiently solved with modern digital computer architectures. HoloCIM aims to create an online user interface to be scientifically and commercially used from interested parties such as research institutions, academia, and industry.

The main features of the HoloCIM proposal are: i) the augmentation and enhancement of the capabilities of a Spatial Holographic Ising Machine to be able to solve combinatorial optimization problems (COPs), ii) a number of nodes comparable to the current scientific state of the art (N=8*10^4), iii) incorporate faster holographic devices based on digital micromirror devices (DMD and GPU processor that can in principle reduce, the current system’s processing time by more than two orders of magnitude and finally iv) to implement a dedicated cloud interface for the commercial and scientific exploitation of the system’s baseline capabilities, v) expand the device’s capabilities to accommodate, plug-in additional nonlinear optical elements, enabling higher order spin-spin interactions.
Working together with the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Physics of the University of Cyprus, UBITECH undertakes the overall administrative, scientific and technical coordination, and drives the implementation of the holography based photonic Ising Machine.